Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today my 11th grade students worked on a skill, "Listen and build upon others' ideas". Out of all the many topics that were brought up, forgiveness stood out the most to me. We talked about gay marriages, the right to choose your own path in life, etc., but it's forgiveness that leaves me with questions, comments, concerns. My students debated back and forth between "People deserve second chances." "People shouldn't be give second chances." "Why did they mess up to begin with? Doesn't that mean they will do it again?" "I'm sure all of you have been given a second chance at some point in your life." However, I've come to the conclusion, a conclusion that I've heard preached on before. Forgiveness is about the forgiver, not the one being given forgiveness. It's the forgiver who must decide whether or not they are willing, whether or not they are able to let go of the wrong committed against them. If they hold onto the pain, the anger, the hurt how can they heal? Even if the offender never asks for forgiveness in his or her life, isn't it you that suffers in the end? We can't control other's reactions, their feelings, or their thoughts, but we can control our own. Will you allow the transgressions of another imperfect being eat you alive? Will you allow it to affect the way you live? Do you choose to live in fear? Hate? Anger? How do you release those things other than through forgiveness? Who do you need to forgive today as I write this?

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