Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So I haven't posted in a while with an update on my life...well, here it is.

So my roommates moved out on Saturday, which is AWEfreakingSOME because now Brys and I have to whole house to ourselves. However, our roommates mother was paying for the internet; therefore, I am wireless webless. No internet. Consequently, I bought airtime on my phone thinking it would be great, but lo and behold, my phone can't do everything I want it to. For example, I can't check my UH email--my main email address, I can't look at my checking account, and I can't tend to my farm or chocolate factory on Facebook. Boohoo. lol. Oh wells.

Additionally, there has been a delay in our receiving of a house. So it turns out the company we are buying our house from had only purchased it in June, closing in July. Therefore, when you use a FHA loan, you cannot sell the house within 90 days or else it is considered a "flip" and is illegal. So! It looks like Brys and I will not be moving in until the end of the month or early December. What a headache considering that we are moving out of our house this Saturday because it needs to be professionally cleaned, pest controlled, and carpet cleaned. BLAH! So we are moving out stuff to...gosh knows mom's? My grandma's? A storage unit? Who knows? AND we are moving in with my parents for at least a week plus. This is so frustrating! But at least we have somewhere we can go and not worry. Now, however, Brys and I will be sharing my old twin bed once again, which is ok because I love being close to my husband and Wahiawa nights get cold. At least, I suppose, I will be very close to my mom to help her out with anything she needs as she recovers.

So if you didn't know (and you read my blog or even glance at it) my mom went into surgery November 15 to reconnect her colon. Prior to this, she was on a "dodo" bag (for lack of a better term) for three months due to something that I can't quite remember what it's called right now. She says she is sore, but she is doing well. I hope that I will get to see her today, but who knows?

Also, today was the first time I ever took my kids on a field trip and it was sort of hellish. I got a couple emails from angry staff members because I didn't send my student list out on time and I didn't notify staff (not admin) about which EAs were coming on the field trip. It was also not as organized as I would have hoped and my bus (driven by my husband's good friend BTW) was delayed about 45 minutes because three girls decided they didn't want to listen to instructions when given and didn't show up to go to the bus. It was a B**** to get a hold of the girls and meet up with them to get them to the bus. But with that all said, the play itself, Hamlet, was awesome and I totally recommend it if you were considering watching it. It was funny and entertaining. Definitely saw some creative direction with the play.

Ok, gotta go. Be blessed and have a beautiful day!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Who knew that buying a home would be so expensive? There are so many hidden things...unforeseen things that I'm learning about everyday. For example, did you know that your savings can go in a matter of weeks due to fees and charges from Escrow companies or furniture. I think I dropped a couple grand today on house stuff. CRAZY! I keep watching the bills add up and our funds drop down...hopefully, it eventually only get's better from here? Did you also know that a dryer doesn't come with an electrical chord? You need to buy one! Did you know the old plantation style houses (like mine) are single walled so I have to buy a custom order door? Did you know that I have no idea how I'm going to hang pictures up in my house :-) without going through the wall? Did you know that if you want to measure your windows correctly for blinds that you need to measure it in SIX places? And they are EXPENSIVE! What a day. I'm pooped.